
Adult Time To Reduce Juvenile Crimes

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Recently juvenile crimes became remarkably widespread over the united states. Linda Collier, in her article Adult Crime, Adult Time, writes, “According to the U.S Department of Justice, crimes committed by juveniles have increased by 60 percent since 1984”. While some people are saying that juvenile criminals are not responsible for their actions, the records state a noticeable increasing in crimes committed by them, and they also say that whatever these juvenile criminals do might be obtained from their parents’ bad behaviors, such as drug abuse, stealing, or raping, it is kind of true. But, I personally believe that children should rather learn from their parents’ mistakes, and get to know the difference between the right and wrong. It was …show more content…

Children who are punished as adults will understand that if they break the law there will be consequences. If juveniles who commit crimes receive more serious punishments, they will be less likely to reoffend out of fear and respect for the punishments that are possible. Also, after they get punished they will have the respect value formed in their minds in a wider manner, as they respect the law they will be able to respect everything else including; privacy, personal space, properties and mostly respecting themselves.
Parents play an extremely important role in shaping a person’s behavior. A child society is basically formed of his parents and his siblings, the child learns by observing and imitating his parents, in whatever they do either bad or good, therefore they should be very aware of trying to do the right things. In some worse cases a child can left over by his druggy parent which completely destroys his or her life. In Adult Crime, Adult Time by Linda Collier she gives a live example of a girl that was given to foster care by her druggy mother to be adopted and she says “She languished in foster care from ages 2 to 13 because her drug-ravaged mother would not relinquish her parental rights”. And as a result of that; “Eventually she ended up pregnant, wandering from place to place, and committing adult crimes to survive”. Some parents do not give enough caring and attention to teach their children the right values and principles should be blamed as well, because minors have less resources at their disposal, family members must step in and become involved when a juvenile commits a crime. If the punishment is too lax, family members can feel little motivation to be more vigilant in the future. With more serious punishment, family members can take responsibility of working with the youth to avoid repeat

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