Advantage And Disadvantages Of Federalism

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Advantages and disadvantages of federalism There are three kinds of government systems in the world. First is the unitary system. Major country of the world is the unitary system. In this kind of system, government can control all authority in the hand of central government. All state governments need to listen to the central government. The second kind of system is the confederal system. This kind of system means that there is no real power in the central government. Their central government just has power to show their independence and declare a war. Like the European Union, their central government has no real power, just show what is their opinion and what they want after the debate in the Union. The third one is the federal system, which means that both central government and state government have authority to control the citizens. The central government has authority to govern the things in the necessary and proper clause, which means that he can manage all the necessary things. In addition, central government has power to control the power what is not inherent in the constitution like the wagging war or the acquiring territory. However, state governments also have power, which is called the police power. This policy means that state governments have power to care about the citizens’ health, mind, and safety. …show more content…

Like the famous events which is called the McCulloch VS Maryland and the Gibbions VS Ogden. These are the famous events to prove that federal system can help to manage the issues. Nevertheless, these two events also show that the supreme authority the central government has. If there are two states get in to conflict, we can hold them in to the Supreme Count to judge which is better or what the two states need to compromise. This is a really good method because unitary system can just listen what the central government says and confederal system could not have the Supreme