Advantages And Disadvantages Of Corporal Punishment

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Verbal Punishment, Withholding, using of Logical Consequences, Grounding, and Isolation are several forms of punishment by parents to their children. But, the most common form of punishment used by Filipino parents is Corporal or Physical Punishment. Corporal punishment comes in different forms, there is teachers punishing students as discipline, and then there is the most common form of corporal punishment which is the punishment administered by parents. This kind of discipline makes use of bodily force for the purpose of correcting a child’s behavior and shaping his/her character, as well as instill discipline as they grow. It usually applies spanking or slapping of a child with the parent’s open hand, but at some point parents or guardians tend to make use of a belt, slipper, cane, broom stick or ruler. This …show more content…

With many laws protecting unfair and hurtful treatment of individuals, it is easily to forget that most children overwhelmingly receive this questionable and unjust form of correction. Thus, when we think of corporal punishment our minds would probably jump to the extreme forms of it, like severe beating, torturing, and hanging. Though Corporal Punishment isn’t constantly elaborate however, no matter the level; it is still hurtful producing long term effects that are not always beneficial for the children.
Corporal or Physical punishment affects more than one aspect of a child’s development– emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Significantly it causes difficulty in coping up with problems and socializing, it also alters a child’s way of thinking and emotional quotient. It may instill discipline for a short period of time yet, the effects of it are far more than what we imagine. The question is, why do parents constantly use this kind of punishment? how the effects of such, affect the development of the children? And lastly, why should we not practice this form of