Advantages And Disadvantages Of School-Based Management

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WHAT IS IT? School-based management (SBM) is a strategy to improve education. By transferring significant decision-making authority from education offices to individual schools. SBM provides principals, teachers, students, and parents control over the education process by giving them responsibility for decisions about the planning, personnel, curriculum and action in school. Through the involvement of school community members in these key decisions, SBM can create more effective learning environments for students. WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES? According to the American Association of School Administrators (AASA), the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP), the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), and …show more content…

3 more effective educational delivery - This view, in part, reflects the business concept of total quality management, according to which decisions made close to the actual product will produce a better result. 4 improved communication – between stakeholders, facilitating principals’ awareness of teacher and parent concerns. 5greater accountability - teachers to students, parents, and local communities 6 transparent, - reducing opportunities for corruption. 7 decisions made by groups,- generally better than ones made by individuals. 8 high levels of professionalism 9 improved student retention and learning. – 10 benefit the community - parents and other stakeholders in shared decision making, interpersonal skills, and management skills 11 inexpensive -change in locus of decision making rather than a large increase in …show more content…

There is great variation in accountability systems. In some, information on student achievement is published in league tables, and sanctions, including monetary rewards, are attached to performance for schools and teachers. The use of monetary rewards, however, has proved controversial, and usually has not lasted very long. Furthermore, rewarding successful schools at the expense of increasing resources to schools that are failing would not contribute to overall school improvement. Non-monetary rewards (working in an environment conducive to learning, seeing positive results in student learning, or responding to parent pressure) can be motivating.  School-based management may be implemented in conjunction with other reforms. It is not unusual to regard school-based management as only one of several strategies designed to improve student learning. Community control