Advantages And Disadvantages Of Students Being Paid For Good Grades

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In some schools, students are being paid for receiving good grades, but is this morally correct? Not only adults are being paid for their jobs, but also students. Youngsters today are already spoiled with all these new advancements in technology. Is this really fair to all the students who are not paid for good grades? Although some students are being paid for good grades, there are many disadvantages to this issue. It can cause practical problems in the student’s classrooms. Also, it has an effect on the development of a child’s intrinsic motivation. In addition, it encourages lower academic performances. These disadvantages are only some of the negative attributes of paying students for good grades. Firstly, students should not be paid for good grades because it can cause practical problems in their classrooms. According to the NEA (National Education Association), “Many teachers also say paying students for grades leads to practical problems in their classrooms, including pressure to inflate grades and conflict with students and parents.” This can lead to larger problems outside of school. Students may be stressed if they fail to raise their grades, which does not help them focus on their academic studies. Similarly, students can be angered if they do not receive a large sum of money, which worsens their family’s relationship. The effect of this is that students, who are discouraged can change their thoughts on school. As you can see, students who are paid for good