Advantages Of A Case Study: Pros, And Cons And Methods

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By definition a case study is a form of qualitative descriptive research that is used to look at individuals, a small group of participants, or a group as a whole. Researchers can collect data from participants in the study and using participant direct observations, interviews, protocols, tests, examinations of records, and collections of writing samples (CSU). A different take on case studies is that a case study should be defined as a research strategy, and is used to conclude investigation on a problem within the real world. Case study research can have single and multiple case studies and can include quantitative evidence, which primarily uses exploratory research and is used to gain an understanding, which relies on multiple sources of evidence and prior knowledge of the subject (Wyse). Case studies may be prospective, and cases fitting the investigation are included, as they become known to the report. Or they can be retrospective, where cases from older records are used and included in the study (Boundless). The main advantage of a case study is that it gives one a chance to study a real-world problem in detail from many different viewpoints. For this case study one can use library research, interviews, questionnaires, observation, diaries, historical documents, or current documents (UEfAP). A typical case study often does not have a lot of information to begin. A case selection that is based on a different previous case will sometimes provide one with more