Advantages Of Being An Adaptive Leader

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An adaptive leadership is taking what you are given and making it work. Some advantages of being an adaptive leader are flexibility, more efficient, and reliable. The disadvantages of being an adaptive leader will tend to emphasize utility over novelty, turns off suggestions, and not enough risk taking. The advantages and disadvantages of an adaptive leader are derived from a KAI Inventory created by Dr. M.J. Kirton. The Adaption-Innovation Theory is concerned with differences in the thinking style of people. The inventory examines the creativity, problem solving and decision making of people who are agents of change in their daily environment. After filling out the KAI Inventory, my score was 86 and was in the adaptive range when looking at leadership. There are several advantages of an adaptive leader. Some of the advantages that best describe me are reliable, flexible, and maximizes available resources. My profession is a special education teacher and being flexible is an adaptive trait that fits me. I have to be willing to switch in a matter of seconds and take whatever comes my way in stride. Some of my most formable traits are that I try to always be there and complete any tasks that are before me. These descriptors of adaptive …show more content…

The first would be keeping a low profile; I do not like to draw attention to myself, even if I have a good idea. Next, I am dependent on structure, even tough I am flexible it is hard to break away from my routine and step out of my comfort zone. Finally, I tend to turn off suggestions. I am guilty of that one at first and then after thinking it over sometimes will listen to the suggestions again to see if it could work. I tend to be a black and white thinker and if ideas or suggestions fit into that mold, I will consider them. There are certain consequences to being the type of leader that the KAI Inventory identified me

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