Advantages Of Grounded Theory

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Grounded theory It’s a qualitative approach which calls for simultaneous data collection and analysis to generate a theory during research. A theory emerges inductively through the systematic data collection and analysis pertaining to a given phenomenon (Strauss & Corbin, 1990). This has two fundamental characteristics which include: theoretical sampling and constant comparative analysis. A grounded theory is generated by themes which emerge from the data during analysis, capturing the essence of meaning drawn from varied contexts and situations
Theoretical sampling, this involves data collection for comparative analysis (Glaser & Strauss 1967). The collected data then gives insights and the analysis leads to further data collection and analysis. …show more content…

It provides resourceful data which provides the researcher with concrete fabric to construct a more detailed analysis of the data aiding the researcher to have in-depth respondent’s social life
However just as any approach, grounded theory weakness and these are discussed below,
Researchers most times become inundated at the coding, as open coding is a time consuming and laborious process. The process of encompassing and abstracting of concepts is not an easy task.
Grounded theory limits generalizability, Generalization is regarded controversial and complicated because the main goal of qualitative research is to provide credible and contextualized understanding of the human experience.
High Potential for Methodological Error, there are high chances that researchers may blur methodological lines by selecting purposeful instead of theoretical sampling and this has led to lack of conceptual …show more content…

Ethical issues to consider in relation above methods
Narrative Analysis
The ownership and intellectual property right is very important. Who own the life being studied? In this case, the participant being studied should own the story not the researcher.
Participants must benefit from our studies either financially or through social policies.
We should ensure that our study does not Hurt and harm the participants. The effects of misrepresentation for individuals and communities should be minimized.
Confidentiality, the researcher must ensure confidentiality of the story teller by ensuring that the true names are not revealed if it may cause damage to him or her.
Deception, We must present our real research focus to those we are studying .Other feeding them with deceptions .We have to clearly reveal to them our actual study aim.
Grounded Theory
Protection from harm and discomfort, we must ensure that our participants are protected from questions which may open their wounds, by avoid such question or telling them not to talk about things they are not comfortable