Advantages Of Phonics

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It has been a long debate whether phonics approach is a suitable approach to teach alphabetic system for both native and second language speakers. Phonics is one of the approaches to learn English. Phonics approach means the language learners are instructed to learn how to attach the sounds to the correspondent letter, and then they learn how to blend the sounds into a word (Pung, 2001). Ehri et al. (2001) defined it as synthetic phonics, and complemented that phonics approach is extended to different approaches, including synthetic phonics, analytic phonics, embedded phonics, analogy phonics, onset-rime phonics, and phonics through spelling. For learning alphabetic system as a second language, the phonics approach should surely be used to teach children, and analytic phonics could be a suitable approach for teacher to adopt to teach Hong Kong students to read English as a second language.

Phonics approach is generally supported as the most effective approach to learn alphabetic system (Ehri et al., 2001; Bald, 2007). Why is phonics effective for learning alphabetic system? English is one of the languages that shows grapheme-phoneme correspondence (GPC), which means there is a relationship between phonology and orthography (Pung, 2001). When native English speaker was acquiring the first language, sound of the correlated letter is important for them to learn. Since they acquire the first language in phonological processing, they have a great phonological