Kamil Interview

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Kamil is a Polish bilingual student who attends to fourth grade at Cowlishaw Elementary. He has been attending Cowlishaw since second grade. Prior to that, he used to live in Poland where he completed first grade. The examiner conducted an interview with Kamil’s mother in order to garner a deeper understanding of Kamil’s reading attitudes and experiences. According to Kamil’s mother, Kamil is an eager reader whose favorite genres of books are history books, action and adventure novels as well as humorous comic books. Kamil also likes to listen to her read biography picture books and Bible. She often reads to Kamil before he goes to sleep, however she does not ask questions about the read passages because Kamil gets very irritated and always tells her that it is not school and he wants to …show more content…

He also said the examiner that he had read at home the night before. When asked about the things he had to learn to become a better reader, he answered that he had to “learn words that I can hardly understand”. Kamil was not able to tell who got him interested about reading books, but he identified action in the book as the important factor which excited him about reading.

CORE Phonics Survey

The examiner conducted the CORE Survey in order to refine the understanding of Kamil’s additional instructional needs and identify areas of strengths. The CORE Survey focuses on assessing the phonics skills including alphabet skills, reading and decoding skills, and spelling skills. Students who take this assessment are asked to provide letter names and sounds, read both real and made-up words as well as spell words. The results of the survey are summarized on the next page:
Skill Subtest Score Instructional need
Alphabet Skills Letter names – uppercase 26/26
Alphabet Skills Letter names – lower case 26/26
Alphabet Skills Consonant Sounds 0/23