Reasons For Conscientiousness

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Every kid deserves a pleasant childhood, luckily I have a good relationship with my family and they are willing to support me when I encounter adversity. Undergoing authoritative parenting style, I can achieve two-way communication with my parents and fulfil their expectations. This helps to explain my personality. For Conscientiousness, as I have negotiated with my parents regarding study attitude, for example play hard and work hard, thus I can be self-regulated and diligent in order to pursuit my dream. Hence, I score 98 %. For extraversion, as my parents encourage me to take part in volunteer work, I can meet lots of friend and express my ideas without worries. Hence, I score 70 %. For Agreeableness, although my parents stress the significance …show more content…

Thus, I score 54%. For openness, as my family tends to be conservative, which I prefer routine in my ideas. Hence, I score 20%. For neuroticism, although I am always positive and calm, sometimes I encounter anxiety about my academic results. Hence, I score 28%. It’s weird that I score high in conscientiousness but low in anxiety facets. What is the reason behind it? Let’s explore the causation. My family always remind me that well-order working increase my competitiveness in academic performance. Once I realize my goal, I will strive for excellence to achieve it and this is relevant to conscientiousness. In fact, Goldberg (2001) describes that conscientiousness has been linked to academic achievement and especially the will to success. To do it well, I have tried lots of study methods and the best way to consolidate knowledge structurally is drawing mind map. Mind map is a tool for brainstorming ideas and allows user to associate it with others ideas (Kumar, 2012). Initially, I find it …show more content…

I must overcome anxiety so that it won’t negatively influence my exam result. But how? Test anxiety is a psychological condition in which people experience pressure regarding test (Cherry, n.d). Anxiety can be helpful as it alert your motivation, but not excessive. Excessive Anxiety will lead to diarrhea, feeling of helplessness and difficult to concentrate (ADAA, n.d). During exam, I always sweat and having diarrhea. I can’t look on with folded arms; I must know the cause behind it. Biologically, when you are anxious, your body will release adrenaline into the bloodstream and causes physical symptoms such as sweating (Kenny, 2013). Mentally, focusing on worse thing will lead to anxiety (Lyness, 2013). Before the exam, I always feel anxious intensely and I start to think negatively. For example, will I forget everything I learned? Can I answer this question without making mistake? I ask this kind of questions because I fear of failure. Eventually, this turns into vicious cycle. The stronger the negative thought is, the less chance you can perform your text positively. Something should have done to tackle this awful situation. To tackle anxiety, I should think positively. Try to say uplifting phase “I can do it” instead of “I can’t do it”. This is used to minimize but not eliminate stress because it is the body alarm system to