Puppy Love Advertisement Analysis

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOHbqWmgPdw (“Puppy Love”, 2014) The advertisement we decided on was a digital advertisement by Budweiser called “Puppy Love”, which was shown during the 2014 Super Bowl. This advertisement is part of a three-part sequel, with “Brotherhood”, “Puppy Love”, and “Lost Dog”. The ad agency that promoted Budweiser’s ad is called Anomaly, which is an advertising agency founded in 2004 with offices located in Los Angeles, New York, Toronto, London, Amsterdam, and Shanghai. They also work with companies such as Coca Cola, Beats by Dre, Google, and Converse. Anomaly won the award for 2017 Agency of the Year, where they distinguish themselves from traditional ad agencies by developing their own intellectual …show more content…

Melissa Keller, who is both an actress and model, is known as the owner of the puppy. Don Jeanes returns in “Puppy Love” from being in the first part, “Brotherhood”, as the trainer for the Clydesdale horse. Although the use of the celebrity appeal does not have a large effect on whether a consumer will buy the product, the advertisement highly focuses on their message of friendship and loyalty. In addition, the use of subliminal message is used by incorporating the trainer, Don Jeanes, to promote Budweiser’s logo on his hat. Social media is used throughout the advertisement, with their hashtag, “#Bestbuds”. The hashtag can create brand awareness through social media outlets, such as Twitter or Facebook, where the hashtag can be trending all over the internet and more people will watch the …show more content…

Although the Budweiser logo can be seen on the hat of Don Jeanes, it is very small and almost unnoticeable, unless watching the commercial more than a few times. If someone were to not see the end of the commercial with the hashtag #Bestbuds and the Budweiser logo, many people would think it’s unrelated to Budweiser at all. In addition, the commercial does not focus on Budweiser’s product, which can have a negative postpurchase evaluation if the consumer is not happy with the overall product and experience. Since the advertisement has a broad target audience with the use of the story, it can target the wrong audience, especially if they are underage to drink