Mkt 421 Week 3 Twitter

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With over 300 million global users and 100 million daily active users, Twitter has evolved to be the major driving force in online marketing. The platform is a major slice of social marketing mysteries for most businesses. Building a Twitter presence can be compared to when you are growing a garden. It takes planning, developing strategies and it is time consuming. Similarly, It takes time and actionable strategies and growth hacks to increase twitter engagements and followers organically.

Smallbiztrends defined growth hacking as a marketing technique used in gaining greater exposure, using traditional and analytical skills to acquire and engage new users.

If you are looking to build your presence and gain wider exposure, here are 10 twitter …show more content…

Use relevant hashtags

Hashtags, sometimes determine how far your tweets can reach. Using relevant hashtags can get you target audience and followers. Tweets with hashtags get 2x more engagement. As Bufferapp report shows that tweets with one or two hashtags have 21% higher engagement than those with three or more hashtags. Therefore, it is advisable not to overuse hashtags.

#5. Know the best time to tweet

Most people do not know the best time to tweet. According to Bufferapp blog, "Twitter engagement for brands is 17% higher on weekends". Twitter clickthrough rate study by Dan Zarella shows that weekends and afternoons show the highest twitter CTRS. You can schedule your twitter posts on weekends if you won't be available. Bufferapp is one of the best tools for scheduling twitter posts. When you publish a tweet when most of your target audience are not available, it will be difficult to engage them.

#6. Retweet your tweets

Recently, Twitter announced that users can now easily retweet or quote themselves. With this new feature, users can retweet their old tweets and favorites to a bigger audience, thereby increasing engagements.

#7. Engage your Audience with …show more content…

Creating humor tweets can also attract more followers. Almost half of the 30,000 respondents agreed that humorous ads resonate most, according to the Nielsen Global Survey of Trust in Advertising. Several brands like R/GA and Old Spice are engaging their followers with humor tweets. Humor tweets holds attention, elicit positive response and are always memorable. When you publish humor messages on twitter, new audience would want to follow you for more.

#8. Follow and reach out to Twitter influencers

Twitter influencer marketing is popular; it is about getting celebrity or people who have a large number of followers and great reputation to tell your story to their audience. According to Launchmetrics, “76% of marketers consider influencer engagement effective in garnering customer loyalty”.
The role of Twitter influencers is essential in growing followers and increase customer retention. According to Buzzole Blog, “Influencers are the secret to get followers, the more and more target ones”.
Twitter influencer marketing also plays a vital role in increasing brand engagement. “93% of marketing professionals are getting results in improving visibility through influencer engagement strategies”, Launchmetrics reported. Hence, if your want to increase your followers, reach out to Twitter influencers, retweet their tweets and follow them.

#9. Make use of ‘click to tweets’ on your website or within