Aesthetics: The Four Patterns Of Knowing In Nursing

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Nursing science philosophy is the important tool to understand human being. This can develop knowledge by observation that can be measured. So as to interpret the phenomena of interest, nurse should do the research (Gorther, 2000). But, if something we cannot observe for instance feeling or perception we can use another method like an interview to explore that phenomena. Therefore, nursing knowledge can be formulated from both of quantitative and qualitative methods (Poter, 2010). In addition, another important is the concentration on scientific knowledge as the basis (Chinn & Kramer, 2004). Aesthetics is the one of four patterns of knowing in nursing (Carper, 1978). It is an imaginative process to understand the feeling of patients or their experience. Furthermore, it is an individual or …show more content…

Widenbach said that the art of nursing was not only trustworthy of the patient demand but also should consider together (Widenbach, 1964 cited in Carper, 1978). In order to furnish the best practice of nursing care and make the patients satisfied, nurses should improve their skills. In addition, this may take more times to compassion other people. For example, if we compare a novice and an expert nurse on their techniques or skills to approach the crisis patients. We may see the difference of their skills, the novice may be not understand some body languages or behaviors of her patients. So, she cannot encounter the needs of the patients. This is the significant reason why the nurse should practice the art of nursing. Not only the esthetics but nurses should have the ethics and the personal knowing because these are also the importance parts of knowing in nursing. Moreover, there are three major modes to organize nursing knowledge. These include borrow theory, advancement of philosophies and theories determine nursing, and the last one is the development of middle range