
Affirmative Action Logos

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No one should be denied from a college because they can't meet the colleges diversity quota. That is why affirmative action should instead be based on place and not race which will be more effective at creating diversity on the campus and not just in physical characteristics but in ideas and how people formulate them. The author makes a good argument on this topic by appealing to pathos, logos and ethos. In this text the author at several points appeals to pathos to support the argument of place over race. At one point the author describes her childhood neighborhood as a place of educational success in a time where Brown v. Board of Education was truly honored by government. She describes a school where kids from housing projects and kids …show more content…

In the text the author uses the 2012 Rasmussen poll, where 55 persent of respondents opposed affirmative action in college admissions, and the 2009 Quinnipiac University poll of registered voters, where 55 percent said affirmative action should be abolished. This ratifies the argument the author is making on place over race by showing that most people that are affected by racial affirmative action oppose it as well. The author uses the example of Abigail Fisher who believed she was denied entry into her college of choice because she was the wrong skin color. This argument that Fisher made is one that resonates with how most white people feel about affirmative action in higher education. They think it's unfair to them and their children, and this is an explanation for why institutions have been retreating from considering race in admissions. This fact helps show the flaws in the racially based affirmative action system and shows how there should and can be change in this system. Additionally, in the text the author speaks about how twenty first century segregation contributes to the achievement gap that has made race based affirmative action necessary, a system where less than one third of blacks and hispanics live in middle class neighborhoods. This statistically drives home the point that place based affirmative action will put focus on schools that need the most help. In this text the author used facts and statistics to strengthen opinion and the need for change in a system that is no longer benefiting those that it sought out to help

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