Explanations For Afib Treatments

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AFib treatment options vary depending upon the severity of the disease and the underlying reasons or diseases that caused it to occur. Atrial fibrillation, also known as AFib, must be treated on a case-by-case basis in order to reduce the risk of other health problems or complications.

Understanding AFib

AFib occurs when the uppermost chambers of the heart beat irregualry and uncoordinated with the lower two chambers. AFib often causes a fast heartbeat that is irregular, chest pain, difficulty breathing, heart palpitations, weakness and dizziness. AFib episodes may happen sporadically or become chronic and occur regularly. Many underlying conditions may cause AFib to occur. These include:

Heart failure
High blood pressure
Cornonary artery disease
Heart valve disease
Heart attack

Because AFib may be caused by a variety of reasons, it …show more content…

AFib elderly treatments often include electrical cardioversion. Even in patients with the highest risk factors, only one percent of elderly patients experience problems with the procedure. Because elderly patients often take many medications, non-surgical procedures are often preferable for treatment.

AFib Surgery

AFib and heart failure often occur when medications and non-surgical procedures fail to slow the heartbeat or prevent blood clots from forming. In these cases, surgery is necessary. There are two types of surgical procedures performed for AFib: pacemaker insertion or an open-heart maze procedure.

A pacemaker is a small electrical device that uses wires to regulate the heart rate. It is inserted near the collarbone. A pacemaker can either regularly send out signals to keep heart rate on track or sense when the heart rate is too fast or too slow and react accordingly.

Maze heart surgery is more complex. Several incisions are made into the heart and scar tissue is allowed to form. The scar tissue interferes with the irregular electrical impulses that cause the heart to beat abnormally and slows the heart rate as a

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