Cardio Muscular System Analysis

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Concept – 4 Assessment of Cardio Vascular System
This concept is taken from the module 7 ‘Anatomy and Physiology of Cardio Vascular systems’. There are many methods followed to assess cardio Vascular systems for any defects and problems.
Subjective assessment include Personal and family history Diet, Socioeconomic status, Cigarette smoking, Physical Activity/Inactivity, Obesity, Past & Current Health Problems, Previous Illness, Diagnostic/interventional cardiac procedures, Hospitalizations, Surgeries and Allergies.

4.1 Personal Context:
I have regularly monitoring health of my heart including checking blood pressure. I also had been to doctor for checking my heart regularly. I was always advised to have daily workout and walking to continue …show more content…

Therefore there is always a room for research in this field. A very common cardiovascular disease is atherosclerosis - a condition which is characterized by the buildup of fatty deposits within arterial walls and which can trigger heart attack or stroke through the formation of a blood clot. Damage to the heart muscle caused by a heart attack can alter the contractility of the heart, leading to irregular heartbeats called arrhythmias. A reduced ability of the heart to pump blood around the body can eventually lead to the development of heart failure. Due to the association of cardiovascular disorders, early treatment of these disorders is …show more content…

The heart consists of muscles that pumps blood, arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle, and valves that ensure that the blood within the heart is pumped in correct direction. Problems can arise in any of these areas. Like cardiovascular disease, heart disease is a term that's somewhat loose and broad, and it's often used that way.

5.1 Personal Context:
I have come across many patients with heart diseases. Few of those diseases are very critical and life threatening. Major heart diseases are Coronary artery disease, Ischaemic, heart disease, Pulmonary heart disease, Hereditary heart disease, Hypertensive heart disease and Inflammatory heart disease. Even though many of them are not curable still the life of the patient can be prolonged through timely intervention. 5.2 Social Context:
There are growing number of heart patients than ever before mainly because of change in life style and living environment. But survival of the patients is also increased because of the new researchs and inventions of new techniques and medicines. Awareness among people also contributed to this survival additional to health education and knowledge of first aid