Afric Lagging Behind The Growth Of Europe

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The development of Africa, since the beginning of the modern world, has been consistently lagging behind the growth of Europe. The underdevelopment of Africa presents an enigma for historians due to the vast size of the continent. Although Africa has had the same opportunities to prosper, due to the lack of waterways, climate zones, and the underdevelopment of agriculture, Africa’s geographical features lead to its classification as a third world country. In order for any continent to develop, it must establish an efficient way of moving goods to set up a strong trading network. In early times, this meant processing a large amount of waterways and sea ports. This becomes evident through the advancement of both continents. Europe, a continent …show more content…

Africa is north-south oriented covering roughly eighty degrees of latitude. Since Africa is configure in this way, it climate varies across the continent which affects their agriculture. The difference in latitudes forces crops to adapt to different climates, seasons, and day lengths as stated in the article. This proved difficulty as many of Africa’s native crops could not spread throughout the continent. Africa’s inability to domesticate crops left them years behind many other continents like Europe, whose crops flourished. Europe is one of the smallest continents, however due to its orientation thrived unlike Africa. Europe covers more longitude than latitude. Since Europe’s crops did not have to adapt to the changing in latitudes, it crops were able to domesticate and spread across the continent. The fertility of Europe’s soils and the absence of deserts enabled crops to flourish unlike Africa’s infinite Sahara desert. Europe’s proximity to the seas also allowed for more sun and less vile winters. Europe’s winters are still cold enough to stop the spread of diseases and infections, allowing crops to continue to prosper. Unlike Europe, Africa was a breeding ground for disease due to its moderate climate. Although many historians are perplexed by Africa’s progress due to its massive size, it is clear that its size and orientation was a burden rather than a …show more content…

He cites his trips to Africa as examples of the opportunity within Africa’s borders. He acknowledges Africa’s abundance of resources and the effective ways of using them like the hydroelectric plants on the rivers and the lush forested regions. Africa’s downfalls like its profusely health problems he states can be assuaged by proper funding. In my opinion, I do agree with Diamond that Africa has potential, although I do believe Africa cannot fix its ill all on its own. Africa’s corruption in government stifles the funding for the health problems faced by Africa. The spread of diseases in Africa that suppresses the development can only be stopped by major contributions from non-profit organizations and developed nations. Therefore I believe Africa’s fortune lies in the hands of more developed