African Americans Still Handicapped By Racism Essay

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Are African Americans still handicapped by racism? There is no question that most, if not all, African American have been handicapped by Racism. We saw instances of this in the movie the Butler. Anyone who knows the history of United States knows that it was practically founded on African slavery. But In American history, millions of African American, even in the cruelest and most ruthless days of slavery and Jim crows, never stopped struggling to overcome and to achieve. Despite legal equality for black people, Cannon maintains that color still determines destiny in America. African American have struggled to gain acceptance since they first were encountered with the injustice and inequality that dwelled in our country. However, whites had so repeatedly cut them down that most blacks were so far beaten into submission that hope for a better life seemed gone In public Schools African American males are the greatest demographic group to be suspended or expelled. The institutional racism experiment by African Americans in Northern cities were formal legal barriers were fewer but unequal opportunity. Blacks had to have the courage to go out and work for themselves and their futures, and to forget any old …show more content…

More black males are in prison than in collage and 65%of black children are both out of wedlock. Black people couldn’t eat in restaurant or sleep in hotels and couldn’t use certain bathroom or try on clothes in store. Racism is not an ability that people are born with but it is based on how an individual is raised and what they learn when they are younger. There are many solutions in the world to prevent racism. However, this does not mean that such attempts would put an end to racism because racism will always exist as long as we

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