
Age Of Exploration Dbq

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Should the Explorers Be Glorified for What They Did? French fries. Chocolate. Pizza. How could you ever live without these products, well that's what the people in Europeans and Asians had to do before the age of exploration, because of the explorers, we can. Therefore the explorers should be glorified for bringing back goods, Flourishing capitalism, and bringing or giving new knowledge and ideas to the natives and Indonesians. The Europeans were great explorers and founded many countries that we see in our everyday lives today, Through exploring they brought back many goods that we use in everyday life. According to doc 3 and 8, the Europeans gave the people in Indonesia and the Natives animals and other goods, in exchange for new spices, …show more content…

When Magellan sailed the ocean he “relied on the taste of sweet water to guide his fleet. As the water became fresher, he knew he was traveling inland, and once it turned salty, he realized he was approaching the Pacific on the western side of the strait.” This proved that they were not ordinary people on boats and should be glorified for creating new straits in creative and smart ways. These routes spread capitalism throughout the whole world. This was a big deal since capitalism allowed the countries to trade with each other meaning goods and new ideas spread across the …show more content…

The explorers helped the natives by providing new ways of growing crops and introduced them to new products and animals, they also learned them how to read, write, and spell in Spanish which allowed their trading knowledge to grow. So you should most certainly appreciate the fact that because of them there are potatoes and your life with potatoes can go on. Therefore the explorers should be glorified for bringing back goods, Flourishing capitalism, and bringing or giving new knowledge and ideas to the natives and

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