
Alcohol Synthesis Essay

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What is alcohol? Alcohol is a substance found in beer, wine and liquors. It is produced by means of alcoholic fermentation. Many people around the world indulge in alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is safe in small amounts but in large amounts it can be deadly. Overall, alcohol is detrimental to our society. It increases the risk of disease, crime, and even death.
How is alcohol made? Alcohol is made through a process called alcoholic fermentation. Alcoholic fermentation is an anaerobic process where yeast cells convert pyruvic acid and NADH into alcohol, carbon dioxide, and NAD+. The most important product being the alcohol. The process starts with a certain ingredients like a fruit juice for wine, or water, hops and barley for beer. The liquid …show more content…

These include robbery while under the influence, driving while under the influence, and operating a gun while under the influence. Alcohol is a mind-altering substance which means it can motivate you to do things you would not do if sober. Alcohol related crimes are rampant. Statistics show, 37% of rapes and assaults are alcohol related. Thereby meaning, without alcohol many of these malicious crimes may not have occurred. Experts also say, that 15% of robberies occur under the in influence of alcohol. In the past the United States Government has tried to combat the crime, thus by means of prohibition. Prohibition is the outlawing of drinking and making alcohol. Prohibition took place during the years 1920 to 1933. Since that time prohibition has been brought up by the government but never seriously considered. The prohibition during the 20’s and the 30’s was not necessarily successful. People were resorting to secret bars and bootlegging. Bootlegging is the illegal trade of alcohol. During prohibition people restored to binge drinking, which is drinking large amounts in a short time. Thus was because alcohol was not always readily available to people. This created a rise in crime, even worse than seen before

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