
Alexander The Great And Genghis Khan Comparison Essay

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Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan were extremely efficient leaders but both illustriously perished due to malaise while leading their realm to an illusive but unfulfilled absolutism. They were very powerful men who took over much land in a short time. They both took a small amount of land and added more. They have many differences though and are more different than they are alike. Genghis Khan was born around 1200 and lived for about sixty years while Alexander lived around 300 BC for about thirty years. These men both lead strong armies for vast distances dominating enemies and claiming much land. They both were very powerful men who changed their country, history, and were loved by much people. Though they seem quite similar, Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan are more different than they are alike. …show more content…

As a boy Alexander’s dad, “King Philip II, hired the philosopher Aristotle to tutor Alexander at the Temple of the Nymphs at Meiza.” But, Genghis Khan did not have a fortunate beginning. At only about ten Genghis “heard of his father's death, [Genghis] returned to claim his position as clan chief. However, the clan refused to recognize the young boy's leadership and ostracized his family to near-refugee status.” Alexander had a very good young life where he was taught by many philosophers which helped him to become destined for greatness. Though Alexander had such a great life, Genghis Khan had a very sad and awful upbringing. Though both of these men’s fathers died, Khan’s dad died when Khan was very young. It was very tough for Khan and then when he went to claim his dad’s old position and was kicked out along with his family it made things very tough for him and it seemed he would never grow to anything good. It is very different from Alexander who had things sorted out and the spot of king right in front of

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