
All Summer In A Day Quotes

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Would you bully someone, if you were jealous , even tho they were telling the truth? Because that is what a selfish, jealous, and stubborn boy did to a poor innocent girl in the short story, “All Summer in a Day.” The boy's name is William and the poor girl he bullied was Margot. Margot was originally from Earth, but now she lives in Venus, according to the short story. Also, Margot dislikes her new school because she has no friends. The worst part would be when Margot would talk about her seeing the sun, when she lived in earth, but the whole class wouldn’t believe her, especially William. Now you are going to find out why William is really that selfish, jealous, and stubborn. You may think William is a good character in this short story, but he’s not, he is a selfish, jealous and stubborn character that only cares about himself.
To start off, William is a very selfish character, he only cares about himself. He tries to act like he’s the leader which makes him even more selfish. As it said in the book, “Speak when you’re spoken to. He gave her a shove.”, The quote goes with William being selfish because he told Margot to speak, but she doesn’t have too, it’s her choice. In addition, he gives her a shove, which …show more content…

William was jealous (unhappy and angry) because someone in particularly Margot saw something special, he wanted to see. Margot and her family were the only human beings on their planet that saw the sun, which the sun was really special to William, so, William got jealous that he didn’t get to see the sun and Margot did. “Nothing’s happening today. Is it?”, This quotes goes with William being jealous because he acts like he knows everything, which he doesn’t. Also, if he would've believed Margot , then she would have been the attention in the class, everyone would’ve listened to her, but he didn’t believe her, which then made William the big attention in the

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