Allergic Rhinitis

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An allergic reaction occurs when the immune system attacks a usually harmless substance called an allergen that gains access to the body. The immune system calls upon a protective substance called immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies to fight these invading allergic substances or allergens. Even though everyone has some IgE, an allergic person has an unusually large amount of IgE. This army of IgE antibodies attacks and engages the invading army of allergic substances of allergens.
Specialized cells called mast cells also participate in the allergic reaction. Mast cells release a variety of chemicals into the tissues and blood, one of which is known as histamine. These chemicals frequently cause allergic reactions. These chemicals are very irritating …show more content…

Pollen lodges in the nasal lining tissues (mucus membranes) and other parts of the respiratory tract, where it initiates the allergic response. Up to 7.8% of American adults suffer from allergic rhinitis. Approximately one in four people with allergic rhinitis also has asthma
What are risk factors for allergic rhinitis?
A person is programmed to be allergic by his/her genetic makeup and is destined to be allergic from birth. People of all races are affected, and the condition affects both males and females equally. Symptoms commonly begin in childhood. Having frequent exposure to the particular allergic substance is a risk factor for frequent attacks.
When and where does allergic rhinitis occur?
Since allergic rhinitis is frequently caused by pollen, symptoms occur when pollen is in the air. Trees primarily pollinate in the spring, while grasses pollinate in the spring and summer. Weeds usually pollinate in the late summer and fall. Of allergy sufferers in the United States, many are allergic to ragweed, about half are allergic to grasses, and fewer are allergic to trees. Of course, many people are allergic to other substances such as mold spores, animal protein, and dust mites, to name a few. Food is an uncommon cause of allergic rhinitis. If you wish to know the pollen count in your