Alpha Kappa Delta Induction Ceremony

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On Monday November 27, individuals gathered together to attend the Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD) induction ceremony. AKD is the International Sociology National Honor Society where members have shown excellence in the field of Sociology. In this ceremony, four students from the University of Tampa were inducted and congratulated on their hard work. To influence attendees who were not yet inducted into AKD and to inspire those who were just inducted, a professor at UT, Brittany Harder, gave a speech that lasted for approximately 45 minutes. She started out speaking about how she first got involved with Sociology. She was an Economics major who found herself taking a Sociology course where she regularly participated in discussions and ended up catching the eye of a student in the class. …show more content…

This was the start of her love for Sociology. She decided to double major in both Economics and Sociology, dedicate time to improving the world outside of school, and apply to Graduate school. She spoke about how hard she worked to achieve the goals she had set for herself and how she searched for help from professors and other staff members at the university. The second half of her speech served the purpose of motivating others. She spoke about how each of us could contribute to making a difference in the world, and how important it is to have conversations with individuals who may have different views than you rather than just arguing with them or telling them they are wrong. The speech was concluded by Dr. Harder explaining that even though Sociology can be discouraging at times, it can also be incredibly