North-American Interfraternity Conference Essays

  • Personal Statement: Alpha Fraternity Inc.

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    I’ve always wanted to be an Alpha man since 2007 when my 7th grade teacher Micholas Credle began the branding of the Alpha image. It all started from Greek alphabet to my own personal research of the organization. Receiving the knowledge of this organization only made it clear to me that from that moment forward I knew I wanted to be an Alpha man. The meaning behind the organization, its past, present, and the future plans on making the organization better. As a son, a brother and an uncle I feel

  • Explain Why I Want To Be An Alpha Phi Alpha

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    University’s community or the general Philadelphia area. It would bring me great joy to be a part of an Alpha Phi Alpha project that would include reaching out to the youth of Philadelphia. To me it is absolutely vital to reach out to young African Americans because young people are very impressionable. I feel that the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Incorporated genuinely care about bettering themselves and the community around them. I also feel that the members of Alpha Phi Alpha Incorporated take special

  • Oregon State University Application Essay

    502 Words  | 3 Pages

    First I would like to congratulate you on your acceptance to Oregon State University. As a new student, you will encounter different experiences and challenges over the course of your years at Oregon State. You will come in contact with many new people and different types of organizations. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little about our organization. I understand that this may or may not be the first letter you've received from a Fraternity. I, however, would like to emphasize

  • Alpha Sigma Phi: Value Of Purity

    343 Words  | 2 Pages

    An Alpha Sigma Phi who lives the value of Purity “does not shrink from adversity or lofty goals”. To embody this value, as a chapter we had to reevaluate why we chose to join Alpha Sigma Phi. As a Brotherhood we understood that our main goal is to further ourselves as gentleman, striving to become the future leaders of tomorrow. To achieve that goal we must improve ourselves as scholars, and stress the importance of growing as a person both morally and academically. The chapter expanded the Scholarship

  • Dayton Chi Alpha Essay

    622 Words  | 3 Pages

    I would like to change the world one step at a time. I am going to first start with a change project with Dayton Chi Alpha. Chi Alpha is a campus ministry also known as XA (Christ ambassador). Dayton Chi Alpha diverse family of students on Wright State, Sinclair & the Univ. of Dayton. They are a family that is passionate about following Jesus with their whole life and living that out with students around us. There are about 50-60 students that usually attend their weekly events and bible study.

  • Chi Alpha Mission Statement

    638 Words  | 3 Pages

    "We reconcile students to Christ, equipping them through Spirt-filled communities of prayer, worship, fellowship, discipleship and mission to transform the university, the marketplace, and the world." This is the mission statement of the one organization that I knew before I started college that I wanted to be a part of throughout my KU journey. This organization has been my home away from home, my sanctuary, and my family. It has helped me grow tremendously both spiritually and in maturity in the

  • Alpha Fraternity Mission Statement

    1080 Words  | 5 Pages

    Academic Policy Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.  Mission Statement: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated develop leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.  Aims: Manly deeds, scholarship, and love for all mankind. Members in Good Standing: A member in good standing shall be one who has fulfilled all of his obligations to his chapter, and to the General Organization and, for college brothers, is a student enrolled and

  • Company Overview Of Omega Psi Phi

    499 Words  | 2 Pages

    Kappa Alpha Psi is a collegiate Greek - letter fraternity with a predominately African American membership founded on January 5,1911 at Indiana University Bloomington. The fraternity has over 300,000 members and is currently headquartered in Indianapolis Indiana. The fraternity’s purpose is to promote achievement in every field. During the finding, African American faced racism , prejudice and discrimination. Members of these organizations have pleaded to provide their communities with service

  • Alpha Kappa Delta Induction Ceremony

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    On Monday November 27, individuals gathered together to attend the Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD) induction ceremony. AKD is the International Sociology National Honor Society where members have shown excellence in the field of Sociology. In this ceremony, four students from the University of Tampa were inducted and congratulated on their hard work. To influence attendees who were not yet inducted into AKD and to inspire those who were just inducted, a professor at UT, Brittany Harder, gave a speech that

  • Pros And Cons Of Patriots Deflategate

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    The deflategate is a NFL controversy about how the New England Patriots deflated 11 of the 12 game balls.The Patriots did this in the AFC Championship game against the Indianapolis Colts to win at a score of 45-7.That was a odd score don't you think how could a team go to the AFC Championship game just to lose 45-7.It turns out that the New England Patriots had deflated the balls.Bob Kratiz had said that the inflation range was under the NFL requirements of 12.5-13.5 P.S.I.Now there is proof if

  • Alexander The Great Leader Analysis

    2308 Words  | 10 Pages

    The tendency of the mind is described as follows: "For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy." This goes on to explain that the greatest strategists are who they are because of their controlled mind, since strategies have existed ever since the human mind was known. The word “strategy” originates from the Greek word “strategos” which means “a general”, “army”, “lead” or “plan of destruction of

  • Ideal Gas Equation Lab Report

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    On January 18, 2015, the New England Patriots and the Indianapolis Colts played in the AFC Championship game in a chilly temperature of 51°F. The Patriots were accused of cheating when, at half time, 11 of their 12 game balls were found to be two pounds psi less than the regulation size of 12.5 to 13.5 psi. Although the balls are gauged 2 hours and 15 minutes prior to the game, they are returned to the teams before the game started. Based on extensive research and data, the Patriots’ balls were tampered

  • Deflategate Research Paper

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    Over the past summer many sports fans have either watched, talked, or listened about the major NFL conflict known as “Deflategate”. In many ways Deflategate has either turned people away from being fans of the NFL or brought them in, but first the question must be asked: What is “Deflategate”? Deflategate all started when text messages between the New England Patriots starting Quarterback, Tom Brady, and Patriots equipment staff leaked to the media. These text messages occurred before a division

  • Why Tom Brady Should Not Have Been Suspended Essay

    1231 Words  | 5 Pages

    Why Tom Brady Should Not Have Been Suspended Researching this topic, I found a few qualified authors that discussed this topic. These authors provide information and statistics on how the NFL handles these issues poorly and why Tom Brady shouldn't have been suspended. These articles also explain how the suspension process went through with in depth facts of the events that happened over the year and a half long scandal. The authors of the articles have qualified opinions about the law and how the

  • Pete Ravens Research Paper

    930 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Baltimore Ravens are a football team in the National Football League, in the American Football Conference division that was established in 1996 at Baltimore, Maryland. It is currently under the ownership of Steve Biscotti. Ozzie Newsome is currently the General Manager and John Harbaugh is the head coach. It is compiled by elite players like quarterback Joe Flacco, kicker Justin Tucker, outside linebacker Terrell Suggs etc. The official mascots for the Baltimore Ravens are Poe and his brothers

  • The Controversy Of Deflategate

    1825 Words  | 8 Pages

    Ever since I was a little boy I have been fascinated with the National Football League. Although many people believe that the New England Patriots deliberately deflated NFL game footballs, undistorted, scientific analysis of the evidence shows otherwise. The NFL launched an investigation of Deflategate shortly after the allegations were made regarding the footballs used by the Patriots in the AFC Championship game. On January 23, 2015 the NFL stated that the investigation would be performed by the

  • Doolittle Raid Analysis

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    tactical victory. A great plan needed to have speed and audacity. History In order to understate the importance of the Doolittle raid, the mentality of both the Japanese and American must first be understood. Before the attack on Pearl Harbor, Americans weren’t thinking of war especially not in the Pacifica. Many Americans believed that it was not their war and America’s isolation policy would allow the country

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of NAFTA

    1195 Words  | 5 Pages

    From NAFTA to TPP, Could advantages of multilateral trade blocs outweigh their disadvantages on the US economy? Introduction North American Free Trade Agreement, also well known as NAFTA, is a trilateral agreement signed by Canada, the United States and Mexico aiming at establishing a trade bloc in North America. Unlike the European Union, the main target of NAFTA is to accentuate cooperation on the level of economic development. Now after nearly 20 years of development, possessing a GDP of 19.886

  • The Oka Crisis

    1549 Words  | 7 Pages

    Some say that Canada is safe and free. Although it may be true today, Canada was not always the nice and peaceful place it is now. Canada’s history demonstrates that the country grew and got stronger. Unfortunately, history also shows that Canada gets violent with other countries and even itself. Canada’s identity in relation to war and peace worsened since 1914. This can be shown by the victory in the Battle of Ortona and the kidnapping that caused the October Crisis. It can also be proven by the

  • Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): A Case Study

    860 Words  | 4 Pages

    increased. In total, the number of export reached 12.904 (December 2015) compare to the export data in December 2016 that the writer took from the same sources; it reached 15,448 units in total. The destinations of exports from Honda comprises of North America, United States, Europe, Asia but the biggest export is to Asia. Also, Japan has a quiet big influence to the world. In accordant with the data that the writer took from World Integrated Trade Solution website, Vietnam is a country that