Alpha Fraternity Mission Statement

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Academic Policy
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

 Mission Statement: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated develop leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
 Aims: Manly deeds, scholarship, and love for all mankind.

Members in Good Standing: A member in good standing shall be one who has fulfilled all of his obligations to his chapter, and to the General Organization and, for college brothers, is a student enrolled and taking courses leading to his first academic degree at an accredited institution, has a minimum cumulative grade point average of a 2.5 on a four point scale; or its equivalent.
Chapters in Good Standing: A chapter is in good standing if its chapter …show more content…

- Represent Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity in any fashion.
An inactive brother shall remain inactive until the end of the current semester at which the brother’s inactive status will be evaluated.

• Social Probation: Social probation is a probationary period for brothers that have not displayed academic excellence. Also, this period will help prevent brothers from becoming inactive status. Social probation should not be used to punish brothers. However, to encourage them to do better. Brothers on social probation shall:

- Not participate in any chapter social activities. However, participation in service is encouraged.
- Not participate in IMPD.
- Not participate in area, district, regional, and/or general organization activities.
- Participate in the Alpha Scholastic Initiative.
Brothers on social probation can appeal their status after being on social probation for one (1) full semester and successfully completing the Alpha Scholastic Initiative.

• Role of Advisor: Each semester, advisors will ensure that all active brothers have the minimum grade point average (GPA) required for graduation or to remain in school. If an active brother does not meet the GPA requirements; place the brother on academic probation, assist the brother in raising his GPA, and notify the Area …show more content…

Advisors will be responsible for administering disciplinary actions/sanctions to college brothers that are not exemplifying scholarship. Also, advisors will make sure that college brother comply with administered sanctions. It is the responsibility of the chapter’s advisor to ensure academic excellence. Failure to fulfill these duties will result in grounds for mandates from a higher authority.

• Chapter’s Standpoint: Chapters have authority to raise the required minimum grade point average in their chapter. However, be informed that Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated only requires a minimum of a 2.5 grade point average. In order to raise the required minimum GPA, a chapter must:
- Make the change before the start of a new school year.
- Follow the proper voting procedures of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated.
- Have permission from the chapter’s advisor and area director.
- Make the GPA changes known in the chapter’s constitution.
All changes to minimum grade point averages must be in effect for a year’s (2 semesters) time before another change can take place.
• Eligibility for College Chapter Membership: Any male student of an accredited college may be presented as a candidate for membership in a chapter provided that:
- He has successfully completed one semester or two quarters of a regular year’s program: