Alugbati Case Study: Basella Alba L.

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Caloocan National Science and Technology High School Basella alba L. (Alugbati) as a biological cell stain MARIA GABRIELA BARQUILLO ZHERINAH MAE ROSAL JUSTINE CHLOE VIVAS Student Investigators JONATHAN T. DIANO Research Adviser ABSTRACT CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Basella alba L. is a type of vine that belongs to the family of Basellaceae. The plant is commonly found in tropical Asia and Africa where it is widely used for cooking. Basella alba L. is also known as “Pui, Vine spinach, Climbing spinach, Creeping spinach, Buffalo spinach, Malabar spinach and Ceylon spinach.” It is a fast growing vine that can grow up to 10 metres (33 ft.) in length. …show more content…

After crushing the fruit, the researcher will filter the crushed Alugbati by using a filter paper and a beaker. When it is filtered, the researcher will apply 10 ml of ethanol to the extracted Alugbati. Once this process is done, it is now ready to use as an alternative cell stain. Testing of Cell Stain The researchers will put stain on the sample specimen, one with commercial stain the other with the alternative stain. The slide will be tested on the microscope, and then the two specimen with different stain will be compared and contrasted. CHAPTER IV: Results and Discussions After conducting the experiment, the researchers gathered the following results: Commercial Stain INSERT PIC Figure 1. Onion cell with commercial stain Based on Fig.1 the cell of the onion can be seen properly by using the commercial stain (Iodine), which is a good sign that it is an effective cell stain. Alternative Stain INSERT PIC Figure 2. Onion cell with alternative stain On Fig.2 the cell of the onion cell can be seen but not as clear like the one that can be seen in Fig.1. The onion cell here is a bit blurry compared to the first one, the onion cell with commercial

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