Amanda Ripley The Case Against High School Sports

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Many people have the mindset that in High school and College is all about the different types of sports that the school might offer. Those types of people are the owns that might think that it’s better for the school to send more of the funding thats the school gets to spend it on sports rather than education. Which in the article that I read “ The case against high school sports” by Amanda Ripley explains all the different types of perspective that others have on the idea that sports in general that is just a waste of money and that school should spend the money on better equipment for educational reasons and for new teachers. Through out the whole article there are two different side on why sports shouldn’t be in high school and why sports …show more content…

He went to visit Premount and said “This is worst that i have seen in my career” and that right there saying a lot. Also Single ton explains the different amount of money that school wasted for all the many things that football need it was insane seeing how much money they spent each year. Sports might help many students get further with their education with a scholarship, but it would be better if those students got scholarships for their academic achievements rather than their sports achievement. One big thing that change Premount high school around was getting rid of their football team because it showed more students paying more attention in class, trying and studying more rather then going to games or spending such long hours in practice. Some people say that sports bring masculinity but there are other ways not just sports that one might get masculinity. I agree with the author on some parts of her argument of how high schools should spend more attention on their academic progress rather just focusing on how good their sports are. If students aren’t in a sport colleges look at there academic achievements from high school and if they see that they aren’t doing that great what makes you think they are gonna accept them. So school should spend more of their funding towards getting a better ranking in their achievements so more kids can go to their school rather then spending so much money each year for sports that they offer. This whole article can change some views on sports in high school in the united states some might say that Americans care more about school sports than they do for their education and we have to change those peoples view on us by removing sports. That may sound crazy but those students and parents that don’t agree with the argument but there are many other ways that one can do ports like outside of school there are many