
America Was A Phrase Attributed To President Monroe And Elaborated By John Quincy Adams

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Introduction “America for the Americans” was a phrase attributed to President Monroe and elaborated by John Quincy Adams. The phrase “America for the Americans” is the main essence of the Monroe Doctrine. This Doctrine represents how America has to interact with other countries, especially with the European powers and the nations that are geographically near the USA. For the Americans many foreign issues were and are still based on this doctrine since 19 century. In order to understand the context where Monroe Doctrine was created it is important to have in mind three international facts: first the conformation and consolidation of America through their independence, second the forging of a new nation, and third the construction of a new empire. …show more content…

They were divided because they do not share the same ideas, the states in the north was not agree with the slavery and the states in the south, states that base their economy in primary activities like agriculture were agree on have slaves and they do not want to allowed to change that situations, but they were agree in one thing they know that they have to stay together in order to be a successful nation and contain the European powers they need to find a way to construct an empire even if they did not think the …show more content…

Wilson admits that this situation had to change and USA should treat Latin Americans countries as their equal’s but he also suggest that the countries should adopt the doctrine of the president Monroe he said it was important that no nation should intervene in other nations politics, that is a little contradictory to the Monroe Doctrine, cause the doctrine was in favor to intervene foreign issues of other states, when USA feel that European power try to influence in Latin Americans counties, also he tried to join USA to lead of nations but the congress refused because they said that Europeans problems were not a matter of concern, as we could see during the international affairs during the Wilson administration was a combination of Isolanist as a way to stay apart of European issues and Internalization as a way to remain they world that USA was a strong

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