American Flag Research Paper

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The American flag is frequently displayed in the United States as a national symbol for Americans. Being that the American flag is frequently displayed in windows, and or flown on pole, this shows the importance on a national attachment to the American flag. You would think the amount of exposure of the American flag would increase patriotism, fondness, and the commitment one might show towards one’s country, and nationalism, defined as a sense of dominance over other countries flags. Of its own superiority, the American flag fosters nationalist views in those idea that the American flag arouses a noncompetitive love and commitment to the exposed to the flag showed an increase in social dominance orientation. That the flag did not induce a general tendency toward closed-minded …show more content…

In this sense, patriotic Americans who display the flag may indeed Exposure to the American Flag 871 imply that when exposed to the flag in their environment Americans are more Arguably, the American flag is sometimes (but certainly not exclusively) used to national symbol in reproducing a specific national identity. And powerful nation as well as how this nation sees itself in the world. The result is arguably that Americans' national identity is chronically of the American national identity. Not argue that the national flag is a critical symbol in every nation-state. In other nation states, nationality is not necessarily celebrated the same way as it is in the United States, nor does the national flag assume as that in the United States the flag is much more revered and much more present than only is the flag associated the focus of national rituals, such as the "Pledge of Allegiance. In addition, there exists a national holiday devoted exclusively to the flag (Canada, France), in these nations the national flag is arguably not quite as evocative flag is specific to the American cultural and political