American Revolution Dbq Essay

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Prior to 1765, colonists continued to live under British rule. The colonists grew tired of British telling them what they can and cannot do, so they decided to revolt. In 1765 the colonists were ready for change, and the American Revolution kicked off. The American Revolution changed America completely, and the colonists’ that inhabited it. It produced a new outlook on the colonists after finally receiving their freedom. The document discuss how many groups of people moved toward independence from British rule. The event first document discusses is a very relevant event during the revolution that affected everyone in the colonies. The first document discusses the Stamp Act. British taxed the colonists on imported goods. This affected the colonists in a negative way, considering how expensive the taxes were. The document discusses how the colonists set some boundaries on British taxes. For example, the third point states that no tax can be imposed without the colonies’ consent. This event kick started the American Revolution, and it made colonists realize they can make some changes on British rule. The fifth source is a song about war during the American Revolution. The author brings up how everyone must appear, especially men. He describes how men must leave their wives and families to go to war. Men …show more content…

Abigail is hostile towards the topic and comes off very sassy. The author brings up her opinion that men think of themselves better than anyone else, especially women. Women during this time were controlled over both by the government and their husbands. Abigail wishes John Adams make an effort to think about all races and genders when making political decisions. After the revolution, women’s rights were not changed a whole lot. They still struggled with their own government in the states, but just like all of the other colonists were free from the