American Sign Language Essay

407 Words2 Pages Justification for ASL chosen?
Two-way transmission of American Sign Language (ASL) video can give normal communication for the deaf. American American Sign Language (ASL) was developed in the 1800s. Sign Language (ASL) is a language that employs signs made by moving the hands combined with facial expressions and postures of the body. It is the primary language of many deaf people who are deaf and is one of several communication options used by people who are deaf or partially deaf. It contains all the fundamental features of language. It has its own rules for pronunciation, word order, and grammar. 5 Page 184, it is mentioned that the parallel processing procedure is adopted for VLSI architecture. Why, How and the need for it to be explained clearly. …show more content…

One is parallel processing and another one is pipelining processing. Pipelining Transformation leads to a reduction in the critical path, which can be exploited to either increase the clock speed or sample speed or to reduce power consumption at same speed. In parallel processing, multiple outputs are computed in parallel in clock period. Therefore, the effective sampling speed is increased by the level of parallelism. Similar to the pipelining, parallel processing can also be used for reduction of power consumption.
The main drawbacks of the pipelining are increase in the number of latches and in system latency. The following may be noted,
1. A speed of architecture (or the clock period) Is limited by the longest path between any two latches or between an input and a latch or between a latch and an output or between the input and output.
2. This longest path or the critical path can be reduced by suitably placing the pipelining latches in the