American Sniper Quotes

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The Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History
Have you ever read the story of the deadliest sniper in U.S. military history? American Sniper is the story of Chris Kyle, the most lethal sniper in military history. He was determined, strong willed, and a good soldier. American Sniper is an autobiography written by Chris Kyle. The book talks about his entire life from when he was a kid to when he got home from his last deployment overseas. In the book he talks about his time fighting overseas and all the things he experienced during his time as a Navy Seal. Chris Kyle was determined, strong willed, and a good soldier.
Chris Kyle was always determined to kill the bad guys and save the good guys. In the book he talks about how much it bothers …show more content…

‘’I don’t know how many hundreds of push-ups or other exercises we did. I do know that I felt I was going to fail. That drove me-I did not want to fail.’’From page 28. The quote is about how hard the training was and how his fear of failure helped him get through it. The quote shows that no matter what exercises and how many of them they made him do, they could not break his will to keep going. It is a good example of how strong his will to succeed really was. ‘’People ask about how tough the exercises were, how many push-ups we had to do, how many sit-ups. To answer the first question, the number was a hundred each, but the numbers themselves were almost beside the point. As I recall, could do a hundred push-ups or whatever. It was the repetition and constant stress, the abuse that came with the exercises, that made BUD/S so tough. I guess it's hard to explain if you haven’t lived through it.’’ From page 28. This quote shows how tough the exercises were, but it was the repetition and constant stress that really make BUD/S training so difficult. This quote is another good example of how strong willed Chris Kyle really was. It shows that no matter how many push-ups and how much stress he had to go through he never lost his will to succeed and become a Navy