Analyse The Function Of External Quality Assessment In Learning And Development

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TASK 1.1 Analyse the functions of external quality assurance assessment in learning and development. External quality assurance (EQA) assessment in learning and development plays a pivotal role in ensuring that educational standards are upheld, qualifications are valid and reliable, and learners receive fair and consistent assessments. The hope is that EQA ensures the integrity and effectiveness of assessment in learning and development processes (EdUK, 2017) (Gravells, 2021). An EQA monitors the assessment and internal quality assurance (IQA) within a centre that has been approved by an Awarding Organisation (AO) to deliver and assess their qualification. Any training provider that meets the requirements of the AO may become an Approved Centre …show more content…

EQA plays a vital role in safeguarding the interests of learners by ensuring that assessments are fair and consistent measures of their skills and comprehension of the content. EQA ensures that valid and reliable assessments accurately assess what they intend to measure and produce consistent results over time. It’s important to note that even with rigorous EQA, there are inherent limitations to the validity and reliability of assessments, such as linguistic barriers, individual learning styles and performance and unrealised biases of assessors (Gravells, 2016) (Gravells, 2021). EQA bridges the gap between internal and external quality assurance, ensuring that learners’ achievements are recognised and respected. EQA in learning and development helps maintain the integrity of assessment processes, instilling confidence in the results and promoting a culture of continuous improvement within the education system (EdUK, 2017) (Gravells, 2021) (ECITB, 2023) The purpose of EQA moderation is to ensure assessment decisions align with the established criteria and standards and that these decisions are consistently …show more content…

While EQAs offer objectivity, specialized expertise, benchmarking opportunities, and fresh perspectives, they may face challenges related to limited institutional knowledge, cost constraints, logistical challenges, potential misalignment, and lack of continuity. Institutions should carefully consider the pros and cons of engaging external assessors, weighing the benefits against the associated costs and challenges EQAs are necessary in the learning and development sector as their role is to verify compliance with external standards, regulations, and accreditation requirements set by the AO. Their independent assessments ensure that the institution is credible and offers training in line with the standards set. EQAs bring an outsider's perspective, which can enhance objectivity in evaluation. The independence of EQAs reduces the likelihood of bias or conflicts of interest that may occur with IQAs. The external perspective of an EQA may allow them to offer new insights and other ideas and solutions not realised by the IQA. Often, EQAs offer alternative perspectives and experiences from other institutions and sectors. This diversity can stimulate innovation and creativity, leading to improvements within the organisation. However, a limited