Analysis Of Alive In The Killing Fields By Nawuth Keat

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Alive in the Killing Fields- Nawuth Keat Nawuth, a child of a rice famer in Cambodia, struggled much throughout his life. The majority of his family was massacred when a war broke out in the city that he lived in, Salatrave. Him and his sister were forced into a camp and had little chance of survival. With little to no chance of staying alive, Nawuth, a.k.a. Mop, strived to be optimistic and hopeful. In the long run, his hopes turned real and eventually made it out of the rough camps he was forced into. Although it took him 9 years, he stayed strong, regardless of what he went through. His story is an inspiration to many since he not only made it out alive, but also managed to stay as sane as possible throughout the process. 10 Injustices

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