Essay On Personal And Collective Unconscious, By Sigmund Freud

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Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrists, was interested in which symbols and common myths were able to seep into our thinking on both conscious and subconscious level. Initially working with an Austrian psychoanalyst, Sigmund Freud, in the late 1800s both agreed with the significance of recurring themes in people’s dreams. However, Jung and Freud took different paths with the disagreement of sexuality driving other’s personalities. He wrote The Personal and Collective Unconscious to demonstrates his views regarding the psyche and how it influenced other parts of other’s personalities. In contrast, Freud placed much emphasis on the sexual origins in his patients’ personalities and was unwilling to consider any other viewpoints. Continuing with his own argument he published The Interpretation of Dreams, to explain his theory regarding the Oedipus Complex and “pyschosexual development” (McLeod). Each of their theories are much alike from the fact that Jung studied under Freud for a period of time before breaking off to create his own brand based off of their disagreement of dream interpretation. However, these two scientists have …show more content…

Jung’s position on the unconscious was divided into the ego, the personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious. To Jung, the ego is the conscious which included the personal unconscious, recalled and suppressed memories, and the collective unconscious, the experiences as a species or knowledge that was always known. On the other hand, Freud believed the unconscious mind was the epicentre of repressed thoughts such as traumatic memories, and what drove it was sex and aggression. He declared that the human mind centres upon three structures: the id, the ego, and the superego. Thus in the opinion of Jung, the human psyche are not forced through sex and aggression and the unconscious mind exhibits itself in the conscious