Freud And Jung Similarities

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There are some similarities in their theories, they both based their theories on the assumption that the mind or psyche is divided into the conscious and the unconscious. They both these terms in the same way: the conscious refers to that which is readily available while the unconscious is essentially irretrievable or things that we are not aware of. Jung was still attached to his Freudian roots; he emphasized the unconscious more than the Freudians do (Boersee 2006: 16). Their concept of the id and the shadow were also quite similar despite the change in name. They both represented the dark side of people for example when saving a little animal and thinking of how easy it …show more content…

As mentioned earlier, Jung theorized that a woman's consciousness is distinguished more by the maternal anima while in men, Eros, the function of relationship, is not as developed (Goldenberg 1976: 446). Jung was of the opinion that in women, anima is an expression of their real self while their animus is occurs due to an accident. The animus-anima theory favors men and proposes a contrasexual personality in each sex, meaning that in men, this personality would be female and in women, male (Goldenberg 1976: 446). This contrasexuality caused Jung to often make deductions about women from what he studied about men. The presence of the animus in women was deduced from Jung’s conclusion about an anima in men which suggests that he then hypothesized the former to balance the latter. As a result, it is as thought he was forcing a mirror image where there was none (Goldenberg 1976: 446). The same goes for Freud who also made deductions about women from his studies about men. Freud was of the opinion that when a girl realises that she does not have a penis she will develop penis envy meaning that she will wish she has a penis and the only way to stop penis envy is through marriage and having children (Boersee 2006: …show more content…

Jung’s opposing view was that behaviour is driven by a life force and that sexuality was only a small aspect of that life force (Boeree 2006: 4). If, for example, one were to dream about long things Freud would have suggested that the things are representative of the phallus which leads to being representative of sex. In contrast, Jung would have had a completely different interpretation even if the dream would have clearly been about a penis. Even with such a dream, Jung would interpret it as having much to do with an unfulfilled need for