Analysis Of Five Reasons Why Emotionly Intelligent People Are Happier

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Five Reasons Why Emotionally Intelligent People Are Happier
Is this is true, emotional intelligent people are happier? In recent years we have witnessed of more research about how EQ and IQ affect our business, marriage and our personal life. In this article Joan Moran discussed about “Five Reasons Why Emotionally Intelligent People are Happier?” published in 2015 in the Huffington Post, and she begins building her fact with five reasons and decent sources, citing convincing facts and statistics, and successfully employing emotional appeals; however, toward the end of the article, her attempts to appeal to readers’ emotions weaken her reliability and eventually, her argument.
In her recent article about Emotionally Intelligent people, she …show more content…

Michael Abrashoff.” She started to defend her claim by an example from this book; it’s about a ship that was rated the worst in the navy. Captain Abrashoff assumed command of the ship, and in two years, the ship was on the cutting-edge of ship performance and productivity. It was rated no. 1 in the Navy. Joan Moran claimed Captain’s high emotional intelligence saved the ship from extinction. Because the Captain knew everything about his crew, including birthdays and babies, he inspired loyalty, trust and happiness on board and these all together shows that his high emotional intelligence saved the …show more content…

On the one hand, I agree that they might have better understanding of circumstances. On the other hand, I am not sure if they are happier. For example, if I want to put myself in the category as an emotional intelligence person based on a few test that I have already taken, I am not necessary happier than whose gained moderate or low scores. I believe and admit that I can manage my emotions more than my siblings and my peers, also I have more empathy with my friends or my family members if something bad happened to them, but I am not happier. An individual with higher EQ is likely sensitive to the emotional climate of the people around them when they are under pressure. So, she/he cannot be happy, because she/he lives with other person’s problem. Unless otherwise, they remember their own needs and have the ability to communicate these difficult needs and feelings with their friends and