Analysis Of From 'From Kike To Jap' By Anna Jacobs

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Many people have suffered at the hands of their oppressors. The Jews were discriminated against for many years and were subjected to live and die in the ghetto. The ghetto was designed to decimate and isolate its inhabitants from the rest of society. I was intrigued by the way Anna Jacobs described the ghetto of her time. In the video, the ghetto was depicted as a very impoverished, Jewish isolation camp (community) with no support from the government. These Jews were only allowed to stay in the ghetto where they would scavenge for scraps of food to survive. If the Jews attempted to leave the slums they would either be; imprisoned, killed or beaten, as Kalman was. This can also be seen in, ‘From “Kike” to “JAP”’...” The passage states, “There