Analysis Of From The Preface To The Final Chapter Heinrichs

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From the Preface to the final chapter Heinrichs is pushing across the development of a strong argument from the offensive side to the defensive side of the table. As Heinrichs is teaching he uses his own knowledge of the art through the three persuasive proofs of Aristotle.In the Preface of the novel Heinrich reels you in with the use of the three proofs, “ few people can say that John Quincy Adams changed their lives….”(Preface) Heinrich brought us in by t5he use of logos of something that probably did not happen to us. Beginning with the offense, Heinrichs begins with three basic steps stimulating, changing, and doing the final product. Following are the three proofs, the types of arguments and the techniques in which they are used. The second …show more content…

Chapter 1 all the way through Chapter 30 present valuable and important information to the reader, but most of all Chapter 4 presents the main course of information. Chapter 4 step by step displays how one should approach and go through an argument. This information is important to the reader because it is the basis behind the entire book, which is the art of persuasion. Heinrich is conveying the concepts through a step by step process of how to use each of the three proofs and how to manipulate the reader. Following the process, the meaning of the three proofs is presented with the defined text of the step. The text is meaningful to the reader because it allows them to understand the step by step process and the deeper and less complex meaning ot the the proofs. Heinrich’s breakdown of the art of persuasion allows others of a subordinate class to clearly comprehend the text, which is why the book should continue to be used. The continuity of this book allows the less intelligent students to still be able to understand , while not being left behind as some are throughout the years. On the other hand, the usage of this book in the following years would allow for manipulative students to be able to con answers out of previous