For me, that one commercial took place in 2008 during Super Bowl 42 (XLII) by athletic brand Under Armour that introduced its shoe brand. The commercial was powerful and wanted to have people buy their shoes. The commercial included known athletes Ray Lewis, Vernon Davis, Bob Sanders and many others football players and athletes. Under Armour used logos and pathos to reach out to athletes of all ages so they could train better in their shoes.
One is the 2013 Super Bowl Budweiser commercial. In this commercial it shows a emotional, and touching relationship between a horse and the trainer. These ads are similar because they don't focus on the product but showing a story instead. Their ads makes a good impression on the viewer, which imprints the product in the consumers minds.
For example, in the commercial it says, “Every hour an animal is beaten or abused.” This fact is pretty straight forward and it gives you that sense of feeling that you could help what’s happening to these animals and eventually put a stop to it. Another fact that is presented is, “For only $18 a month you can rescue an animal and provide it with food and medical needs.” The logos in this commercial contributes a lot because it adds in some heartbreaking facts that it makes people want to help out. But this commercial should have incorporated more logos, such as statistics.
To where have all the black-footed ferrets disappeared? The black-footed ferrets have been endangered since 1967 in the southwestern corner of North Dakota due to loss of habitat and a depletion of their prime food source. First of all, the prairie dogs and the other animals that lived in their homes were the ferrets prime source of food. Secondly, the ferrets, like many other animals, used the prairie dogs’ burrows as homes.
ASPCA Animal Cruelty Commercial “Every day in America thousands of animals suffer from cruelty and neglect.” These are the first words that pop on the television when an American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals commercial turns on. This commercial was first aired on television in 2007 in America and was created by the company ASPCA. At the root of this artifact its sole purpose is depicted to get the audience (the TV viewers), to support the cause of saving animals lives from being beaten and abused through donations. The desired audience I believe is more specifically animal lovers, and/or pet owners.
One aspect of an author’s argument is their ethical character. This is important in assessing how credible and fair the author is being when considering their subject. [Transition] Jean Kilbourne has spent most of her professional life studying and analyzing women in advertisements. She has produced the award winning documentaries Killing Us Softly: Advertising’s Image of Women (1979) and Slim Hopes, serves on the Massachusetts Governor’s Commission on Sexual and Domestic Abuse, and is a senior scholar at the Wellesley Centers for Women at Wellesley College (420). Kilbourne appears to be qualified to speak on the matters of women and advertising and a reader can trust that she has done the necessary research to have an informed opinion them.
Advertisement has been a way to sell products for a long time, but it may not always come off as the best way to promote a product. Companies will do some of the most outrageous things to their advertisements just to make their product shine. In the documentary Killing Us Softly 4, Jean Kilbourne, she talks more about advertising and the negative impact it has on society and the negative messages it sends people. In the documentary, Kilbourne shows how advertising distorts the image of a women. They highlight horrible situations to make their advertisement pop.
The two Superbowl commercials that are persuasive are the Skittles commercial and the Turbo Tax commercial. The Skittles commercial was about a boy that was throwing Skittles through a girls window. While he was throwing them through her window, she was catching the Skittles in her mouth. When the girl was done catching the Skittles, her family came in and sat down in a line and they started catching the Skittles in their mouths. When one person was done catching the Skittles, everyone would scoot down so the next person could catch them.
A lot of things have changed throughout the centuries. Advertisements are an everyday part of our lives, whether we look at them or not they still influence us and affect us in many ways. In many advertising, many large companies are using women in a sexual way for their advertising. And even TV shows are showing how a man is a leading character that can control women and their bodies. Ads give a message to men that if they buy their product, then they are going to have the same results as in the advertising.
Two super bowl commercials that were very persuasive were the Buick commercial and the Kia Niro commercial. These two commercials were both trying to sell cars. The Kia Niro commercial starred Melissa Mccarthy, but the Buick commercial starred Cam Newton and Miranda Kerr. Both of these commercials were very persuasive in trying you to get someone to buy a car. Both of these commercials played on your emotions, but weren't very informative.
In the same way, politics are often displayed to people in cute, funny, or imaginative ways to cause voters to vote on a candidate without really thinking through ‘why should I vote for this guy’ thought process. Television commercials are the “chief instrument in creating the modern methods of presenting political ideas” and provide advertising in politics, clothing commercials, and even ads like cat food commercials (Postman
For instance this ad shows a hard working man coming home carrying his work gear, while the women is coming home with freshly laundered clothes, and grocheries. This from a feminists persepctive shows the cultural ideals and social norms of societies far before our time. Gender equality has become a thing of
The sponsor of the ad is the American Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), an organization known for its
However, they display the lack of change when it comes to women’s rights around the world. Copy writer, Kareem Shuhaibar stated that,” The ads are shocking because they show just how far we still have to go to achieve gender equality. They are a wakeup call, and we hope that the message will travel far”. The appalling notion that women are somehow inferior, that they should be silenced or disciplined is abominable. However, these are genuine searches and that makes these ads even more terrifying.
“Advertising contributes to people’s attitudes about gender, sex, and violence,” states Jean Kilbourne in her article, Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt With advertising agencies standing by the notion that “Sex Sells” it isn’t uncommon to find sex tied into a number of advertisements seen everywhere on a daily basis. “Sex in advertising is pornographic because it dehumanizes and objectifies people, especially women …” (Kilbourne, 271). The objectification of women in our society is more prevalent than many would like to believe. Women being portrayed as passive, easy, innocent, needy, submissive and dependent beings create an understanding that women are less human than men.