Analysis Of The Claims Of Philosophy By A. J. Ayer

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When analyzing the question of the meaning of life, people are seeking valid insight towards how they should their lives. After examining whether there is a correct way for humans to live, I can merely conclude that there is no definite set of rules for every person to follow, for the reason that not all humans share the same one desire in life. Ayer trusts that individuals are seeking an answer on how to live their lives. In “The claims of Philosophy, by A.J Ayer, Ayer explains that humans are comfortable with living their life based on models/ rules given to them by another. If we examine this theory, we can determine that Ayer is correct. Many modern day individuals live their lives based on other people’s values, and …show more content…

I agree with Ayer’s belief, which suggests that each individual has a different core desire in life than another. When viewing life from this perceptive one can question what theory or belief can be proven as the right way to live? If society could collectively agree to one theory, what makes that theory any different than another? Simply since a number of people say so? A man could spend his entire life building a dream, only to realize on his death bed that instead of simply living life to the fullest, he wasted it all for a title, a yearning that no longer signified great importance as life itself. Furthermore, who’s to say that if a man was given another chance at life, he would choose to live a meaningful one? Not a single person other than the questioning individual them self can distinguish between what is a meaningful life and what is a waste. Why? Since every desire a person may have is subjective and not at all shared universally. This is not to be mistaken with the universal human nature all beings share, which is the need to survive. However, this is our biological human nature, and not at all our only desire in