
Analysis Of The Episode 'Who Is In Control?'

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“Who is in Control?”
1. What is the main idea?
The episode “Who is in Control?” addresses the idea that our brain secretly controls what we do without our awareness. When we wake up, we may have many things going through our brain and think that we are aware and in control of many things but in reality our brain controls countless other things that we are unaware of. If a task is performed long enough then neuronal circuits are hardwired in the brain that allow us to perform tasks even while unconscious. As a result, skills become unconscious and hidden. For some people, performing tasks unconsciously results in better results than utilizing the conscious mind. An example mentioned was a rock climber who claimed that if he is conscious of his …show more content…

We are mostly able to make decisions based on logic. However, emotions also have an input more often than we think. For example, an experiment conducted using two different scenarios that involved killing one person to save four by pulling a lever seemed more logical to perform versus physically pushing a person to his death to prevent the killing of four people. The emotional factor completely changed the decision made for all participants. In addition, further research conducted provided evidence that emotion does not only happen inside of the brain but it also interacts with the rest of our physiology. When we are faced with decision-making choices, our muscles tend to become tense and our hormones fluctuate. Therefore, the physiological state of our bodies allows us to add value to a choice and thus make a decision.
2. These episodes address the importance of neural network and interaction between different neuronal regions in two basic forms: competition and collaboration. List one example for two brain regions competing with each other or collaborating with each other from the episodes,

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