Analysis Of The Greatest Generation By Tom Brokaw

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The Greatest Generation, is an astonishing book written by Tom Brokaw. The “Greatest Generation” is based on children who grew up during this generation while the Deep Depression was going on and who became adults during World War 2. There are strong reasons as to why Tom Brokaw considerers this generation great. The children, adults, and seniors all took part of making the generation great, most kids and teens and adults took an initiative of putting their own life aside to fight in the war, this generation had to be the be the greatest, by far. I state this, because this generation was forced to go through so many life changing events like the Great Depression, then had to face War for six years. This generation showed bravery and encouraged the next. …show more content…

Famous people, Women, Colored Women,”Heros”, Married Men, Young Men, would all come together and fight for their country in a heartbeat. This showed strong nationalism during this time. Nobody would complain about the big duties that they've to fulfil, they just tried to make it happen for the sake of their country and for others. If it wasn’t for their determination, and believing in the country when the country was at it’s worst we wouldn’t have what we’ve now. They believed and saw that they were the generation that had to take the pledge, the first step because they knew later on that this country would end up at it’s best. It would all work out, because they knew that their steps were the beginning of not just making an great generation, but it made us the greatest