Theodore Roosevelt's Duties Of American Citizenship Speech

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“Duties of American Citizenship” In 1883, Theodore Roosevelt, gave his “Duties of American Citizenship” speech. The speech took place around the same time that the Civil Service Reform Act was passed. It was passed to prohibit government officials from soliciting campaign donations from yard workers. So, the overall purpose of Roosevelt 's speech was to persuade people to fulfill their duty as a citizen in the United States. He wanted them to stand up for their country, to be involved in politics, and to want to go the extra mile just to help others and the country as a whole. As I read this speech, there were five main points that stood out. They, along with the rest of the speech, explained what Roosevelt thought the ideal American citizen should look like. First, he starts his speech off by saying that no one can be a good citizen unless they are a good father and husband at home, treat other men and women with respect, are faithful to their friends and fearless in situations where they might be needed to help, and genuinely have a good heart, mind, and body. He states, “ In a free republic the ideal citizen must be one willing and able to take arms for the defense of the flag, exactly as the ideal citizen must be the father of many healthy children” (McKay). …show more content…

He uses ethos in two different quotes. The first being, “It ought to be the axiomatic in this country that every man must devote a reasonable share of his time doing his duty in the political life of the community.” He also uses it when he says, “I think we ought to be broad minded to recognize the fact that a good citizen, striving with fearlessness, honesty and common sense to the best for the nation” (McKay). In both of these quotes Roosevelt is proposing what he thinks, but he is saying it in a way that it is almost a question. It forces the audience to ask themselves if that is how they think as well, and if it isn’t it causes them to think deeper about it. Which overall, was Roosevelt 's