Analysis Of Vark By Neil Bonwell

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A website called VARK, created by author Neil D. Fleming and co-author Charles C. Bonwell, has a questionnaire that you can take to see what kind of learner you are. After completing the questionnaire, it indicated that I am a multimodal learner. It informed me that I use visual and kinesthetic strategies the most throughout my English, FYES, and math classes to help me learn.
In English, I use some of these strategies, such as hands-on approaches and underlining with different color highlighters. VARK states that with visual learning, “This preference uses symbolism and different formats, fonts, and colors to emphasize important points. It does not include video and pictures that show real images and it is not Visual merely because it is shown …show more content…

According to VARK “This preference uses your experiences and the things that are real even when they are shown in pictures and on screens.” Some of the tools that help best in my FYES are making examples, using my senses (sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing), and trial and error. This class is all about how to improve my college career and my life after college. Since it is about life experiences I use trial and error and examples of real-life situations. My note-taking isn’t the best in this class because it isn’t interesting unless I’m doing something. “Your lecture notes may be poor because the topics were not ‘concrete’ or ‘relevant’” says VARK and I suppose that is correct based on my experience. VARK also gives me study strategies like “You will remember the “real” things that happened”, or “use pictures and photographs that illustrate an idea”. With this class, my examples are my best friend and are something that I use for every project, quiz, test, or assignment to help me out. Using real-life examples like those we were taught about our learning strategies, I applied to my English class because we were learning the same …show more content…

With math, I use a little bit of both kinesthetic and visual strategies, so it makes my learning experience easier. My math class isn’t very difficult to me because math is very visual and you can make it hands-on by picking apart problems. Since I use both kinesthetic and visual strategies I have more options when taking notes or quizzes since I have more tools to pick from. One of my favorite kinesthetic tools is using my previous exam papers to help so I remember what I learned already in previous modules. A visual tool I use is watching lectures with pictures and gestures because that provides me something visual to link questions to. When studying for my math quizzes I like to look over my notes that I’ve underlined with colors or try to talk with someone about what we think may be on the next quiz. Every tool and strategy has helped in many different ways in this class. When I took the questionnaire it really made me think how much I actually use these strategies and encouraged me to continue applying them in order to learn