Analysis Of With These Words I Can Sell You Anything By Luments

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Advertisements play a huge role in our lives because we are constantly surrounded by them. In the article “With These Words, I Can Sell You Anything” by William Lutz, he closely examines the words advertisers use to try to sell their product as well as explaining how those words effect the buyer. Lutz also explains some methods advertisers use to shape their words in order to be successful. Whereas in “The Language of Advertising” by Charles O’Neill, he approaches advertisements in a positive way. O’Neill explains that without advertisements the world will not be the same. He also explains the process and thought that goes into advertising. That being said, William Lutz explains the conniving and manipulating language that is involved in advertising; Charles O’Neill explains the engineering behind the language that advertisers use. …show more content…

Lutz explains that, “A weasel will make a small hole in the egg, suck out the insides, then place the egg back in the nest” (Lutz 358). In this quote, Lutz compares advertisers to weasels. He also states that weasels are sneaky and thieves by mentioning that they feed off of other nests. Therefore, describing advertisers as being sneaky. An example of a weasel word, that Lutz provides, is “help”. Which means to aid or assist not to end or stop. To use this weasel word correctly it is important to use a dramatic claim after it. Which allows the consumer to only pay attention to the claim and not what it’s actually saying (Lutz 358). Lutz emphasizes that it is important to be aware and recognize these words used in advertisements because those words are the only reason why ads are