Ad Analysis Essay On The Rolling Stone Magazine

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Tyler Roberts
English 250 Section VH, Engstrom
Paper #4 Ad Analysis 1st Version
Target Audience: Males

No Matter What Goes Down, Axe Will Fix You Up
Advertising is everywhere. An average person is exposed to about 1,000 advertisements a day, and up to 32,000 ads a year (STAND lesson, 2012). Over 11,000 people are among the audience that go to Rolling Stone every two weeks to keep them up on the topics they pay attention towards (Garford para 1). On the cover of Rolling Stone magazine, you’ll typically find a symbolic importance while on the inside of the cover, you’ll find useful information, specifically on music, movies, politics, and popular culture (Winslade para 6). The Rolling Stone magazine has its ways to allow people to stay in touch in the world of music after college (Smith para 8). Within that same magazine was an advertisement by AXE selling shower gel. AXE offerings include antiperspirant, body wash, shampoo, face wash, and shave gel. This ad does a good job displaying its purpose through the use of images. The AXE print ad uses a lot of bright colors and projects the product in the middle of everything to give it a floating appearance. Using critical analysis …show more content…

Through the critical analysis of both rhetoric and genre, the purpose and effect of this ad grabs the audience’s attention. This ad does a good job displaying its purpose through the use of image and text. Being a part of the audience, each one of us unconsciously forms an analysis of an advertisement when flipping through a magazine. Only through this can we make a decision on what to buy. Rhetoric is a big part of advertising and can be seen in many ways in this ad. Using rhetoric helps to personalize the advertisement in ways that will be appealing to the audience. The type of magazine that the ad is printed in also plays a huge role towards what type of rhetoric will be