Analysis: Why College Athletes Should Be Paid

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January 28, 2014. Northwestern quarterback Kain Colter announces that Northwestern Plans to form The first Labor union among college athletics.(“The Nation”) Some College athletes and supporters are making the argument that college athletes should be paid for being on various games such as NCAA football and being advertised. They also make the argument that the college’s are making millions of dollars off of athletics and that college athletes are gaining none of this. However, the side that possesses less advocacy tells of how most of these athletes are coming on scholarship. This means that they are coming to college on scholarship, getting to skip the expensive hassle of the almost necessity of college in this day and age for free. Along …show more content…

However, these schools are putting this money back into the programs that gained them the money("Crossfire: Hypocritical Not to Pay College Athletes?"). Another argument is that the athletes are the workhorse of the universities and deserve to be paid as they provide the profits is almost entirely false. From 1998-2008 only 6 universities made consistent profits as well as 6 more universities only making profits part of the time and the rest not making a profit most of the time("Lewis, Michael, and Bob Williams."). Also. it’s not a common thread to have the school consistently gaining money. (“Crossfire: Hypocritical to not pay College Athletes”) So many of these schools are still helping out their athletes by improving the program they’re in by putting more funding into that program to benefit the future of that program as well as the current generation. So in a way college athletes are being selfish in wanting to benefit off of their playing while they are mostly receiving a free college education as well as better athletic facilities, uniforms, and other equipment used for a sport that they have earned for it. Some players would be satisfied with taking pride in the fact that they’re abilities as an athlete and a team allowed for the legacy of that generation to passed onto the future as they earned that money for the university. Another thing is the benefits they are receiving is great. For example, if they are struggling with a class as a division one athlete they will receive a tutor that they don’t have to pay for themselves that any other college student would have to. College athletes shouldn’t be paid for quite a few reasons, one of them being that college is for